Taking action is the secret to success. Hugh L. Johnson joins us for Episode #6-The Technology = Equality Podcast

Hugh L. Johnson is the founder of Wealthier University joins the Technology = Equality Community for episode #6. One week before his 12th birthday, Hugh made the decision to take control of his future. Listen in as Hugh shares over 30 years of experience and provides great insight into how technology has simplified the start-up process. 

Taking action is the secret to success.

“Success is 80% Mindset/ 20% Physically going out and doing something.” ~Hugh L. Johnson

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Strategy: Take some time to learn about The Pareto Principle. Sit down with a paper and pen and figure out your “Why”. What motivates and frustrates you to create your framework.  Set a monthly budget & look at the resources available online to reduce your costs and begin building connections. 

Wisdom: Recognize that building a business takes time.  Be faithful to those you choose to serve. Allowing yourself to be discouraged can be your downfall. Keep your mindset positive & committed and create a strategy that works for you.  

Wish: Having the leverage to spread my ideas & the knowledge that I have learned over 30 years, to help entrepreneurs turn their dreams of business ownership a reality.

Reach Out Via: http://www.hughleejohnson.com

Originally Aired 3/2015